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COMPARE ! Use our calculator and compare payments on bank mortgage rates of around 3 % and the rates of a private lender which are typically around 15 % but can be even more. You have to know that after a 60-day notice you may have no choice other than to use a private lender…

Assuming a 25 year term for both types of loans

The bank :
monthly payment :
Private lender :
monthly payment :
The information provided is for information only.

It is IMPORTANT to note that private loans are usually on a one- or two-year term, at the most. Also, our calculator uses an approximation (annual rate / 12) to obtain the monthly interest rate. This practice commonly used by bankers will yeild a higher effective annual rate while the exact, much more complicated equations, would yeild an exact monthly rate. For the exact formulas see our Ressources page or do a search on the Internet.

Also keep in mind that the above calculations do not include insurance, school and municipal taxes, or any other cost associated with the ownership of the property.