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1 855-728-8382

You have received a Prior Notice of the Exercise of a Hypothecary Right

(also known as a 60-day notice, or notice of foreclosure)

There are ressources at your disposal.
The most important thing is to act, rather than do nothing.

Have you :
  • Contacted your creditor directly to see if an arrangement is possible ?
  • Considered selling your property to cover your debts ?
  • Tried to get help from your friends, family, or other contacts ?
  • Considered filing for bankruptcy ?
  • Considered a private loan, even if it is expensive (see the Interest Rates page)
  • Thought of selling your home with a buy-back option ?

When your creditors have reached the point of sending you a 60-day notice, if you do nothing, the only thing for sure is that you will lose your home.
There are some difficult choices that you will have to make.

Il est toutefois possible de vous opposer à une saisie ou à une vente projetée des biens saisis afin de l’annuler, d’y soustraire une partie des biens ou de conserver un droit de revendication.
Ainsi, vous pouvez faire opposition en invoquant l’un des motifs suivants :

  • la saisie comporte une irrégularité qui vous cause un préjudice sérieux;
  • les biens saisis sont insaisissables;
  • vous avez remboursé votre dette;
  • le prix de vente proposé n’est pas commercialement raisonnable.
RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS Get informed !

Here are a few useful links toward other sites :

  • ACEF
  • Justice Quebec
  • Reseau juridique du Quebec
  • Educaloi
  • Equivalent Interest Rate
  • Don’t forget – our services are free.

    Call us for a meeting with no obligation on your part.

