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saisie bancaire
avis de 60 jours

You have received a
When your bank or mortgage lender writes you to say that they intend to foreclose on your home, you can be sure of one thing… they will…
vendre rapidement

Available to
the homeowner
Receiving a 60-day Notice (Prior Notice of the Exercise of a Hypothecary Right) is a financial shock, but even more of a shock emotionnally. How do you face this…

Bank or private lender
Compare their rates
Borrowing from a bank after having received a 60-day notice is next to impossible. Find out how much a loan from a private lender will cost you…
sauvetage immobilier

Respect, Efficiency
Talking about your situation is understandably difficult. Choose to speak with someone who will take the time to listen to you and not pressure you. Make an informed decision…

Avoid foreclosure on your home

Your situation is difficult financially AND emotionnally, we know. Some people in your situation choose to simply hand over the keys to their bank or mortgage lender.

A foreclosure, or a voluntary abandonment, will mar your personal credit record and will make any future loan more difficult. The worst thing to do is to do nothing.

There are a few solutions and it is important to learn as much as possible to make the best decision for you

There is a solution!
eviter la faillite